Parents often feel that their children are underachieving in their studies due to weak memory. Weak memory involves inability of the children to follow teacher's instructions and remember things spoken in the classroom. However, this is usually caused by weak working memory, rather than low intelligence.
Working memory or short-term memory is responsible for holding and manipulating information, such as remembering and writing down verbally pronounced sentences, adding numbers without writing them down, and generally remembering things.
There can be underlying serious diseases in children with weak memory. Therefore, they must be identified as soon as possible in younger ages and properly treated, because it would be more difficult to cure such a condition in older ages.
Signs/symptoms to look for
* Children having weak memory find it difficult to follow teacher's instructions and remember things spoken in the classroom.
* These children are often wrongly considered as having low intelligence.
* The most common reason for weak memory is a problematic working memory.
* Working memory can be improved with therapy and counselling.
* The earlier these children are treated, the better the results can be.
Poor memory can occur for many different reasons. Some memory problems are serious, and others are not. Lack of concentration is the most common reason for poor memory among children. Lack of balanced and healthy diets is also responsible for weak memory.
Some of the serious reasons can be depression, anxiety, drug abuse, brain tumors, use of certain medications, or seizures. Other things may contribute to this too, like fatigue, mood-change, and physical disability.
Ways to Improve Memory
Eat Healthy
One of the simplest ways to improve memory is to follow a healthy diet, one that is beneficial for the brain. Try to include brain food like salmon, mackerel, flax seeds and linseed in your diet, as they are rich in fatty acids. Fatty acids are considered to be good for improving concentration and brain related functions. Foods rich in fiber, like beans, pulses, wholegrain cereals, vegetables and fruits help the brain to function effectively.
Vitamin B12, folate and niacin are some of the essential requirements for the brain and they are found in ample amounts in meat, eggs and dairy products. Eggs, in particular contain choline, a nutrient that protects memory loss due to aging. The antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, like beta carotene and vitamin C are useful for the cognition skills of the brain and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, that, in turn help in the proper transportation of blood to the brain.
Develop Healthy Sleeping Habits
Sleep deprivation in college students is believed to be a major cause of poor performance in college exams and activities. Our brain needs rest to function properly throughout the day. Partying late nights and a change in lifestyle has caused drastic changes in the sleeping habits of people. A minimum of 8 hours sleep per day is considered to be healthy for an adult. While we can't exactly follow an 8 hours sleep routine, we must try to take short naps and refresh our brains. A properly planned sleep with a minimum amount of distractions is healthy for the memory. Read more on the lack of sleep side effects.
Stop Taking Toxic Drugs
Smoking and drinking have been linked to pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. It is to be understood that improper functioning of such crucial organs of the body will directly affect the memory power and cause concentration problems. Lithium, digitalis, reserpine, Inderal (propranolol), Aldomet (methyldopa), and Tagamet (cimetidine), marijuana etc, are some of the drugs that are related to memory loss. Drugs and alcohol hamper the functioning of nervous system and deplete the memory cells. In the long run these drugs cause immense loss to the memory. Any such practice, like smoking, taking drugs etc. must be discouraged.
Exercise the Brain
Some of the best ways to improve memory power is to practice playing brain games. There are various brain games for adults that can help you flex the brain muscles. You may also love solving Sudoku puzzles and cross words in the newspapers. If newspaper is the thing you hardly touch, try some brain video games on your television. Now a days, there are various software games designed in such a way that will help you increase your analytical skills. Even reading good non-fiction books, science fiction and solving mathematics problem help you to improve the brain power. For children, it is essential to give them games and puzzles that triggers their brain to think and apply logic. Brain games for children are effective ways to improve memory in children.
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Foods that Improve Memory and Concentration
Are there any foods that help to improver memory power? Which are the foods that can increase concentration levels? An inexpensive way to optimize brain function, increase mental alertness and enhance concentration and memory is to have foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Foods high in omega 3 essential fatty acids, are considered as 'focus enhancing foods' and are recommended for better concentration. We need to eat foods that sharpen memory and promote brain health.
Also read about Memory Loss and Improving Intelligence
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