There are some simple ways to keep an aging body active. Everyone is aging, but not everyone is interested in being active. If you want to remain active as you age, here's how to keep things simple.
Staying with a nutritionally sound diet may be one of the most important things you can do for yourself when trying to stay active as you age. If you are eating correctly you should be able to enjoy good health as you get older. This may help you continue to be active. Include enough fiber, vegetables, fruits and protein to maintain good health.
Be sure you are getting enough fluids. Water and other liquids are important at all stages of life. However, as we age we may forget to drink as much water as we should. Your body will need as much liquid as you age as when you were younger.
Many who have been extremely active throughout their life may notice as they age that they are slowing down a bit. To avoid inactivity stay in contact with active friends and family. Associate as often as you can with people who enjoy walking, yoga, swimming, playing golf or other activities you were involved in over the years. Be sure those you spend time with respect your efforts to stay active as you get older.
How to Keep Young:
Allow yourself more time to recover between workouts. Physical exercise is great, but no matter how healthy you are at age 50+, you may have to cut back some on the intensity of exercise, as you likely are no longer able to perform at the same rigorous level that you did in your 20's and 30's.
Build muscle mass. Focusing more on resistance and strength-training exercise becomes important as we grow older. When we become less active, we begin to lose muscle mass and gain body fat in its place, slowing the body's metabolism. As the body becomes less efficient at burning calories, we gain weight. But by including regular resistance exercise in your workout regimen just twice a week can help you to build stronger and leaner muscles.
Stretch more. With age comes loss of flexibility. That's why it is important to target those muscles, which have become short and tight with time. Regular stretching can help to lengthen muscles, improving range of motion in the joints. Stretching also promotes better circulation.
Rehydrate after exercise. The proper balance of water and electrolytes, in addition to consumption of adequate protein and carbohydrates in the diet, are essential for the body to restore muscle glycogen (carbohydrates stored in the muscle) and repair damaged tissue.
Be involved in some type of activity every day. Even if you have no reason to leave your home, do so for 30 minutes or more daily. Even doing lawn work or gardening on a regular basis will help you feel as if you have accomplished something while keeping you physically fit.
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Walk through your neighborhood or a local park several times a week. Walking is one the easiest things for most people to do. Some walking clubs meet at parks and malls to encourage each other to remain active.
Join a group that is interested in something you enjoy. Yoga can be a great way to keep your body limber enough to remain active. Attending classes for yoga or anything you enjoy doing will help you stay in touch with people who enjoy what you do.
Swimming is one of the best ways to keep the body limber so that you can be as active as you would like. Many community gyms offer classes for exercising in water and usually have several hours each day that a heated pool is available for those who want to go it alone. This is a wonderful way to get exercise and keep your body tone as you age.
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