Hemorrhoids are the inflamed condition of the veins inside or outside the rectum. They are also known as piles. It is associated with pain, itching and bleeding. Piles can also be defined as the enlarged and swollen blood vessels in or around the anus region. The condition is common among all age groups but the most sufferers are women during pregnancy. Piles can be external, that can be seen and felt outside the anus and can also be internal, that is inside the anus. In internal piles there is pain, swelling and bleeding but in the case of external there is just pain and itching. In severe cases of piles the veins burst and starts bleeding, this is known as bleeding piles.
Causes of Hemmorhoids:
The causes of hemorrhoids include genetic predisposition (weak rectal vein walls and/or valves), excessive time (over 1 minute daily) and straining during bowel movements, and chronic bowel straining or pressure due to poor posture or muscle tone. Constipation, bouts of diarrhea, poor bathroom habits (reading on the toilet or multiple cleaning attempts), pregnancy, and fiber-deprived Western diet can all foster the conditions that cause hemorrhoids. Additional factors that can cause hemorrhoids (mostly by increasing pressure), especially for those with a genetic predisposition, are obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and especially, vitamin deficiency.
A common cause of hemorrhoids is simply the standing position, in which all the blood above the rectum exerts pressure on the rectal and anal areas. Other conditions which contribute to hemorrhoids are: poor bowel habits, constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, obesity, and especially frequent straining when having a bowel movement. However, some patients will have none of these conditions and still develop hemorrhoids. Humans are prone to hemorrhoids because erect posture puts a lot of pressure on the veins in the anal region. Heredity has also been considered a factor, since hemorrhoids tend to run in families. Chronic constipation is considered a major cause of hemorrhoids.
This is because constipated individuals tend to consistently strain to evacuate their bowels, increasing pressure in the rectum. Disturbance from frequent bowel movements associated with diarrhea can also be a cause. Additionally, frequent use of laxative may result in diarrhea, and increase your likelihood of getting hemorrhoids. Increased abdominal pressure can often encourage hemorrhoids.
People who exert themselves strenuously at work or who stand for long periods of time are most often afflicted. Pregnancy is a common cause of hemorrhoids among young women. They are most common in the final trimester because there is increased pressure from the enlarged uterus. Constipation, also common during pregnancy, adds to the problem. Other factors that encourage hemorrhoids include lack of physical activity and a low daily intake of fluids.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids / Piles
Dry figs are the most important food remedy for piles. 3-4 figs should be soaked overnight in water and taken empty stomach in the morning along with the water in which they were soaked.
Mango seeds are also effective remedy for bleeding piles. The seeds should be dried and powdered and should be taken in the doses of about one and a half gram to two grams with or without honey. Good Home Remedy for Hemorrhoids / Piles
Diet for haemorrhoids - White radish is also considered highly valuable in the treatment of piles. Grated radish mixed with honey can be taken.
Boil 20g of sesame seeds in 500 ml of water and drink it. This is another effective home remedy for hemorrhoids.
Read more on Hemorrhoids.
White radish juice with a pinch of salt is also beneficial. It should be taken in doses of 60-90 ml in the morning and evening.
Make a paste of well-grounded radish with milk and apply over inflamed piles to get relief from pain and swelling. This is very simple and effective home remedy for hemorrhoids.
Yogic kriyas like jalneti and vamandhouti are highly beneficial.
Cold-water treatment also helps the veins to shrink and tones up the walls. The treatment should be taken twice a day by sitting in a tub filled with cold-water up to the chin level.
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