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Piles are better known as hemorrhoids. This is a problem, which is caused by the veins that surround the anus that are becoming inflamed and swollen. Although this medical condition is not typically serious or life threatening, still it can bring a lot of trouble because of the annoying pain that it gives. You have to use piles treatment and consult your doctor.

Basically, a lot of people are suffering from hemorrhoids, but not all of them would manifest some symptoms. Among the most common symptoms of the problem is the presence of bright red blood on the stool, in the toilet itself, or on the toilet paper. Other symptoms may include throbbing swelling or the presence of a hard lump around the areas of the anus, which is created by the blood clots that are being formed.


Piles is a stubborn disease. Dietary disorders and intake of more spicy food is its root cause. The symptoms of this disease aggravate in absence of physical work or exercise. Improper cleansing of bowels and putting extra pressure during evacuation creates a strain over the sphincter muscles situated therein. The undue pressure causes the accumulated toxic blood ooze out. Piles may also develop by frequent use of laxatives and long hours sitting on much hard or soft surface.

Hurried eating without proper mastication with disturbed mind, excessive use ofnon-veg food items, alcohol, tea and coffee etc. disturb the entire digestive system and lend sluggishness to digestive organs and ultimately result in Piles.


A patient of Piles should observe fast on lemon juice & honey for one or two days and then on fruits for two to three days. Cold water enema may be taken regularly during the fast. It tone ups the bowels by activating them. Fruits like Papaya and Cheeku may be taken in fruit diet. Then whole wheat bread and green vegetables may be taken in sufficient quantity. Sweets and spicy foods may be stopped immediately. Mud pack over abdomen and over anus and cold water Hip bath are very effective- in fhis disease.

For patients of Piles cleansing of bowels is most essential. Cold water enema should be taken, when necessary and the laxatives must be discarded. Reguler dail routine and follow up of balanced diet is essential for getting rid of this disease permanently. Constant sitting should be avoided as far as possible. Practice of walking in between long sittings is beneficial.

In Piles Kunjala and Jala Neti. after this Udara Shakti Vikasaka exercises alongwith those for Muladhara Chaki-a, Upastha and Swadhishthana Chakra may be practised. Doing Shankha prakshalana once a month is beneficial. The activity of intestine increases and constipation is removed by the practice of Ganesh Kriya. The practice of Vajrasana, Siddhasana, Guptasana, Gornukhasana, Padangushthasana, Pashchimottanasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana etc. is also beneficial. The practice, of Ashwini Mudra, Moolbandha, Nadisliodhana and Shitali Pranayama is also highly beneficial.

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How to Get Rid of Piles Right Now?

If you are suffering from piles then you don’t have to worry because this problem is just temporary. Piles normally heals by itself and there is no specific process in order to get rid of piles but there are surely means by which you can lessen the discomfort that is felt.

As much as possible, always keep the area clean through the use of warm water in order to prevent mucus from leaking out. It is also important not to make use of soap since this will only heighten the risk for infection. We have to combat this, you have to look for piles treatment. Also, keep the area dry through the use of wool or cotton or you can just dry the area by making use of hair dryer to minimize moisture which can further lead to irritation. It would be wise to make use of over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams as to help reduce the risk for irritation and itching. It is important to look for those products that contain hydrocortisone to boost up the recovery rate.

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