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If you experience constipation, bladder and kidney infections, vaginal yeast infections, bad breath, body odour, abdominal cramps, or toe- and fingernail fungus, your colon may be calling for a cleanse.

Some say disease begins in the colon. In fact, the colon is the third most common site for cancer–and colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death among Canadians. The colon, or large intestine, is our fueling station as well as our waste management system. Here, in the last five feet of intestinal tract, toxins can take two courses. A clean, healthy colon efficiently eliminates toxins. A clogged, unhealthy colon allows toxins to back up into the liver and bloodstream, polluting the entire system.

Fatigue - a lot of energy goes into the detox process so you could feel more tired and listless than usual. Its' best to listen to your body and rest as much as possible so your body can put all its effort into detoxifying those poisons.

Feeling achy or flu like symptoms - once again rest and keep warm. Try some dry skin brushing to stimulate the lymph circulation. Add a couple of cups of Epsom Salts to a hot bath and soak in it for 20 minutes. Wrap yourself in a large cotton towel and lie down for a couple hours. Make sure you are drinking 6 - 8 glasses of pure water a day.

Bowel changes - the combination of changing your diet and the toxins from the liver being dumped through the bile into the digestive system can cause various bowel detox symptoms from loose stools and excessive gas to constipation and even cramps. It is essential to make sure the bowels are moving well before you attempt any detox program. Most detox diets include foods such as linseeds or fiber supplements that help normalize the bowels. A bowl of very well cooked, watery brown rice can help mop up toxins in the bowel and stop diarrhea.

Skin eruptions, itches or rashes - the skin is one way the body gets rid of toxins. Avoid blocking the pores with lotions or creams. Try skin brushing with a natural bristle brush or have a sauna or steam bath to increase skin detox. Use a natural organic soap and a shower filter.

Cravings and hunger - many detox diets exclude foods that people are commonly sensitive to or eat a lot of and it is common to start craving them. Drinking a green smoothie, fresh vegetable juice or eating a piece of fruit can help here. Once your body is fed good nutrition it will not crave anything. You can also go for a walk or do something to distract yourself like reading a book or calling a friend.

Emotional upset or depression - it can be a surprise if you are not prepared for it that a detox symptom could be feeling weepy or depressed. Its not unusual to release old memories and feelings. Just let them out. If you get very upset try relax and to do some deep breathing until it passes.


Plant-based diets containing generous amounts of vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds, nuts and whole grains are high in fibre, which is the essential, non-digestible component of food. A high-fibre diet supports a healthy digestive tract by sweeping debris from the colon, much like a broom. Fibre exercises the intestinal tract by stimulating peristalsis, the wave-like muscular contractions of the bowel that decrease bowel transit time. Fibre also holds moisture in the colon, softening the stool.

We need both soluble and insoluble fibre for colon cleansing every day. Soluble fibre dissolves in water whereas insoluble does not. Insoluble fibre is especially good for improving elimination and preventing constipation. Soluble fibre increases beneficial bacteria, which produce natural antibiotics that eliminate potentially harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, Campylobacter and E. coli. Researchers believe adequate and consistent levels of healthy intestinal flora can also help prevent colon cancer. Soluble fibre is also important for binding cholesterol and aiding its passage through the body.

Read more on Natural Colon Cleanser.

Flax seed and oats top the list of foods highest in both soluble and insoluble fibre. One tablespoon of ground flax seed contains four to six grams of fibre. Other foods high in soluble fibre include beans, peas, rice, barley, citrus, strawberry and apples. Foods high in insoluble fibre include whole wheat, rye, brown rice, barley, cabbage, beets, carrots, brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and apple (with skin).

Fibre recommendations are between 20 to 35 grams a day, but the modern affluent diet provides only about 10 g. (High amounts of fibre, however, should be avoided during inflammatory bowel conditions.) To meet the fibre requirement, consume daily five or more servings of vegetables and fruits, and six or more of whole grains. A half cup of fruit or vegetables or one cup of leafy, raw greens makes one serving. One grain serving is one slice of bread or one-half cup of cooked cereal, grain or pasta.

Green Foods

The high chlorophyll content of green foods (such as alfalfa, wheatgrass, barley grass, spirulina, blue-green algae) makes them ideal for colon cleansing. In addition to cleansing, chlorophyll soothes and heals damaged tissue in the digestive tract. It helps the body to obtain more oxygen and draws out toxins. For this reason, chlorophyll is called "the internal deodorant."

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