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Dogs and humans have been best friends for long. While dogs give unconditional love, loyalty and friendship to their owners, the owners are, in turn, responsible for their proper care, food and water, shelter, safety, regular veterinary care and exercise. In fact, if you do not undertake proper care of your dog, it is not only likely to suffer from physical problems, but behavioral problems as well. In this context, there are some dog-care basics that you need to follow. In order to help you out in the task, we have listed a number of dog caring tips, in the lines below.

How To Care For Dogs

Collar your dog and attach an ID to it, with the dog's name, your name, address, and telephone number written on it. The ID will prove to be a great help if, and when, your dog ends up getting lost. Through the information provided on the ID, someone will able to bring your pet safely back to your home.

Bathing your dog at regular intervals is necessary. However, giving it a bath on an exceedingly frequent basis can dry out its skin and coat and result in skin infections. The best bet would be to bathe your dog once in a month. In case it gets too dirty in-between, rub it with a damp towel or wash just the paws.

While bathing the dog frequently is not advisable, you should definitely groom it on a daily basis. Move a brush or comb through the hair of your dog, ensuring that its coat remains smooth and free of tangles. Grooming of a dog can be started when it is 3-4 months old and continues throughout its life.

It is necessary to undertake a proper physical examination of your dog on a monthly basis. Check the pad of its feet for any injuries and also undertake an oral examination of its mouth. At the same time, make sure to keep its ears as well as teeth clean. You need to take your dog for regular veterinarian check-ups as well, say every 2-3 months.

One of the main points that you need to keep in mind, while taking care of your dog, comprises of its diet. Remember, a nutritionally balanced diet, with constant access to fresh water, is as good for your dog as it is for you. Before deciding on the proper diet for your dog, it is advisable to consult a veterinary doctor.

If you want your dog to remain fit and healthy, then you need to make sure that it gets a lot of exercise. Keeping its busy physically will also help keep behavioral problems at bay. You can take him for walk twice a day or play with him. In this context, remember that the level of exercise that your dog should get depends upon its breed and age.

While some people prefer to keep their dog free throughout the day, others prefer to keep it tied for majority of the time. It is advisable not to keep your dog constantly tied up, as this will lead to boredom and result in bad temper of the dog as well. As much as possible, keep your dog free of the leash.

If you do not want to breed your dog, get it neutered, after consulting a veterinary doctor. It will help the dog live longer, be healthier and have fewer behavior problems. You should also get your dogs vaccinated against rabies and other diseases. It is necessary to ensure the health of your dog as well as those who come in contact with it.

You need to provide proper shelter for your dog, mainly in the form of a dog house (and fence yard, in case of large and active dogs). However, most of the dogs crave companionship and do not like to be alone for long periods. So, try to spend as much time with your dog as possible and make it go into the dog house at night only.

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Brushing and Combing

Regular brushing and combing will remove loose and matted hair and help keep the skin free of disease and parasite. Natural oils will be more evenly distributed to give your dog a nice shiny coat. Comb in the direction of hair growth to remove tangles.

Fine-toothed dog combs are used for soft, thin or silky coats. Medium-toothed combs are used for normal coats. Wide-toothed combs are best for heavy and thick coats.

Flea combs are very fine and are used for removing parasites and flea dirt from the coat. They may also be used to comb the hair around the eyes.

Rakes are ideal for removing dead undercoat hair in larger dogs with coarser, thicker coats.

Pin brushes, with rounded tips to prevent damage to the skin, are good for dogs with long, fine hair such as Silky Terriers.

Bristle brushes are good for dogs with very long coats, such as the Afghan, and help add shine to the short coat.

Grooming mitts are also good for short-haired breeds to add polish and shine once the loose hairs are removed.

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